Suspicious object
• Notify the University Guard: (22 55) 22 112, who will inform the relevant services of the threat.
You can also notify the services directly by calling the emergency number 112.
• If a parcel appears suspicious or you have already opened a parcel and its contents appear suspicious you should immediately:
- NOTIFY THE UNIVERSITY GUARD (University emergency number: 22 55 22 112);
- turn off the ventilation and air conditioning system, close the windows;
- do not disturb its contents: do not spill, move, touch, smell or cause air movement in the room;
- do not use electronics near the suspect object;
- if possible, put the consignment in a bag, seal it / put the sealed bag in a second bag, close it too and seal it;
- wash your hands thoroughly;
- follow the instructions of the competent services when they arrive.