Terrorist attack
Notify the University Guard: (22 55) 22 112, who will inform the relevant services of the threat.
You can also notify the services directly by calling the emergency number 112.
- In the event of a terrorist attack, always remember the following 4U rules:
- unusual changes in the environment / events;
- unnatural / disturbing behaviour of person / persons.
2. RUN (UCIEKAJ)! – if you hear gunshots, explosion etc.:
- leave your belongings (don’t waste time on things that may slow down your escape);
- help others to escape if possible and will not slow down your escape;
- prevent others from entering the danger area if possible;
- when you are safe, call the emergency number 112 and notify the security service.
3. HIDE (UKRYJ SIĘ)! – if you are unable to flee:
- hide out of sight of the attacker;
- close and lock the door to your hiding place;
- turn off the lights;
- mute your phone, also turn off your vibration and be very quiet;
- remove clanking, rustling objects and clothing;
- try to calm your breathing;
- if you hear gunshots, lie down on the floor away from doors and windows.
4. STOP THE ATTACK (UDAREMNIJ ATAK)! – fight only when there is no other way and your life depends on it:
- try to overpower the attacker, use the element of surprise, cooperate with others;
- act with as much physical aggression as possible;
- improvise when it comes to your weapons, use whatever you have at hand (pencil, heel, laptop, etc.). Remember that everything can be your weapon!;
- the element of surprise is most important;
- if you decide to fight, be motivated and convinced of your action – your life depends on it!
REMEMBER! During an anti-terrorist operation try to calm down, the action always causes confusion and panic, people are in shock:
- try not to act rashly, lie down on the floor and try to find some cover, keep your hands on your head until the end of the operation;
- listen to the orders and instructions of the anti-terrorist group and do not take their time to ask unnecessary questions;
- do not rub your eyes if tear gas is used;
- in case of shooting, lie down on the ground or hide behind an object;
- do not flee the premises until ordered to leave – you may be mistaken for a terrorist;
- when informed by the services, leave as quickly as possible, do not stop to collect your personal belongings, there is always a risk of explosion or fire;
- try to identify yourself (introduce yourself), but be prepared for rough treatment from the rescue team – until you are formally identified as one of the hostage(s), you are potentially one of the terrorists;
- do not record with your phone in an emergency situation. Your life and health are more valuable than a video to insert on social media;
- during police operations, do not share information about the actions of the services via social media. Terrorists should not be able to use your tips.