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Any member of the academic community of the University of Warsaw: student, doctoral candidate, academic or administrative employee, may apply for support to the Academic Ombudsman. The Ombudsman of the University of Warsaw is guided in his or her activities by the principles of confidentiality, impartiality and neutrality.

You can turn to the Academic Ombudsman if:

  • you believe you have been treated unfairly or have experienced procedural irregularities;
  • you are in a conflict that is affecting your functioning at the University;
  • you need a mediator or facilitator;
  • you need help and opinion of an outsider or someone who will confidentially listen to your concerns about your functioning at the university and advise you on the way forward.

Applications are accepted by the Academic Ombudsperson according to the following procedure:

  • an initial review of the case;
  • providing the person reporting the case with information about the ombudsman’s remit, procedure and rules of operation;
  • gathering detailed information about the case, in particular the facts and the complainant’s expectations;
  • decision on a course of action;
  • formal acceptance of the report and, if necessary, taking action on the case.

If the reported issue is outside the competence of the ombudsman, he/she will indicate the competent institution or person to deal with such issues.